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In 2013 in the UK, one in every 137 babies was either stillborn or died in the first 4 weeks of life

Here in N. Ireland, over 3 babies a week are stillborn or die in the first 4 weeks of life.

We support all bereaved parents who have lost their babies, before, during or shortly after birth.

Welcome to Sands Northern Ireland


SandsNI Support Evenings

North Down (Bangor)

3rd Thursday

Hamilton Rd Community Hub


1st Thursday

Holiday Inn Express


1st Wednesday

Malone Lodge Hotel


Last Wednesday

Lodge Hotel


3rd Monday

Beacon Centre


1st Tuesday, 8pm

Waterfoot Hotel


1st Wednesday

Denvirs Hotel


2nd Thursday

Killyhevlin Hotel


Last Wednesday, 8pm

Mourne Country Hotel


1st Wednesday

Business Centre, Silverbirch Hotel


Last Tuesday

Seagoe Hotel, Portadown



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Working to support bereaved families

Sands is working to support bereaved parents and families, and to press for improvements in care during pregnancy and when a baby has died.

“He was beautiful; perfect in every way, except he never took his first breath, and we never heard him cry.”